
my name is Piotr Kapera and I am the creator of the K U Ź N I A Project.

A few life facts

a) I love to gain knowledge. As a result, I finished postgraduate studies, Counselling and Therapy of the Addicted in Social Theology University in Warsaw. I work as a preventive counsellor and an addiction therapist.

b) One day, God called me to minister and I thought that you cannot say no to Him. I have never wanted to be a monk, but missionary school is not the order, so I graduated from Seaside Missionary Training Center in Odessa organized by International Messengers.

c) I’ve never gained much experience:

  • six-month internship; I worked with a pornography addiction group,
  • four-month practice in International Federation of the Blue Cross (pol. Śląskiej Fundacji Błękitny Krzyż) which specializes in working with the addicted.

d) I am a member of the Man’s Development Institute (pol. Instytut Rozwoju Mężczyzny) and International Messengers.

Public speaking and lectures

I occasionally share my knowledge and experience with people gathered in cramped rooms. I am a speaker at conferences and meetings. I talk about danger connected with pornography, man’s sexuality, discipleship and manhood. You could have listened me at Hero Conference, SLOT Art Festival, ChSA Katowice.


I occasionally write something as well – a few articles as you can see at this blog and żyj na maxa column. I also wrote an e-book titled: "How can you protect your children from pornography".

Private life

It cannot get bored in spare time, so I hitchhike or travel to some distant countries. Why not to climb another summit from the Crown of Polish Mountains when a free weekend is coming.